速報APP / 運動 / Tournament Queen beta (Manager)

Tournament Queen beta (Manager)





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Tournament Queen beta (Manager)(圖1)-速報App

Tournament Queen is the App with which you can create and manage complete tournaments (from simple table football tournaments to multisport events) in no time at all. For many sports and tournament systems – simply configure tournaments and release match schedules and tables for participants and tournament leaders.

It couldn’t be easier.

Suitable for major tournaments, multi-sports events or the table football tournament in the pub around the corner.

The tournament app for organizers and participants.

Organizers can create a tournament within a very short time. Including all schedules and tables for an unlimited number of teams, groups, fields, etc..

Referees and tournament managers enter the results directly into the app. Tournament Queen calculates the further match schedule, which can be viewed by all up-to-date.

Tournament Queen beta (Manager)(圖2)-速報App

If the app is shared with the participants, the teams have all important tournament information available in real time in table form: results, playing times, opponents, current rankings, and much more.

A news function offers the organizer the possibility to publish current information about the tournament or side events.


• Independent of sports

• Tournament system/mode selectable

• Unlimited number of teams and groups

Tournament Queen beta (Manager)(圖3)-速報App

• Play times and breaks freely selectable (also over several days)

• Automatic calculation of tables

• Several tournaments at the same time

• Automatically created game plan

• Assignment of rights on different levels

• Team names, field names, referees, etc. freely selectable

Tournament Queen beta (Manager)(圖4)-速報App

• Export function with Excel creation

• Offline first – Online update runs in the background

• Comprehensive search function

Tournament Queen beta (Manager)(圖5)-速報App